Alessio Rastani skrev nyligen en artikel till:
Håller ni med honom om varför de stora spelarna, de som är 1% alltid kommer vinna över de andra 99%? Han är till viss del lika kontroversiell som vanligt antar jag. Samtidigt som han antagligen har rätt. Finanssystemet är stort och småsparare har väldigt lite att sätta emot de stora spelarna som kan driva kurserna upp eller ned precis som de vill.
Från artikeln ovan:
"There are two facts I need to share with you:
The first is that institutional brokers and traders can only make money by manipulating and exploiting basic human irrationality and ignorance of the markets.
The second is that most people are completely unaware that making correct investment decisions often means doing the exact opposite of what comes to them naturally – i.e. doing the opposite of how your human emotions want you to act.
Here is a case example:
In May 2008 as Crude Oil prices were sky rocketing at nearly $130 a barrel, Goldman Sachs released a report stating that they expected Crude to reach $200 a barrel within six months to two years time. In reality, two months later Crude Oil prices peaked slightly higher at $147 and then plummeted by 77 per cent to $33 within six months!
Commentators such as Oppenheimer’s Fadel Gheit have said openly that: “This is another form of market manipulation. They [Goldman Sachs] are influencing the market.They are doing things that could be beneficial to them but harmful to the rest of us.”
He admitted that this is not exactly illegal and that banks need to make a profit. " Här kan ni se på de berömda (ökända) uttalandena, som var kontroversiella och fick uppmärksamhet över hela världen.
Nuförtiden fortsätter Alessio Rastani att daytrade:a, hålla föredrag, samt driva sin sida, där han håller 'webinars' och fortsätter utbilda massorna till hur man tjänar pengar på en fallande marknad.
Han finns även på Facebook under
The second is that most people are completely unaware that making correct investment decisions often means doing the exact opposite of what comes to them naturally – i.e. doing the opposite of how your human emotions want you to act.
Here is a case example:
In May 2008 as Crude Oil prices were sky rocketing at nearly $130 a barrel, Goldman Sachs released a report stating that they expected Crude to reach $200 a barrel within six months to two years time. In reality, two months later Crude Oil prices peaked slightly higher at $147 and then plummeted by 77 per cent to $33 within six months!
Commentators such as Oppenheimer’s Fadel Gheit have said openly that: “This is another form of market manipulation. They [Goldman Sachs] are influencing the market.They are doing things that could be beneficial to them but harmful to the rest of us.”
He admitted that this is not exactly illegal and that banks need to make a profit. " Här kan ni se på de berömda (ökända) uttalandena, som var kontroversiella och fick uppmärksamhet över hela världen.
Nuförtiden fortsätter Alessio Rastani att daytrade:a, hålla föredrag, samt driva sin sida, där han håller 'webinars' och fortsätter utbilda massorna till hur man tjänar pengar på en fallande marknad.
Han finns även på Facebook under
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